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November 12, 2024
iFix CEO Discusses Smart Home Device Privacy Concerns
Smartech Daily Interviews iFix on Navigating User Privacy. Navigating the complex world of smart home devices and ensuring privacy can feel like an uphill battle. Insights from a privacy expert and a director general shed light on effective strategies. Our CEO offers advice on sperating smart and personal devices: "To protect your privacy at home from smart devices, you need to physically and technically separate them from your private life. Most users add all their devices to the same wireless network they use for work, personal, and other private activities. Instead, you should keep all smart home devices and personal devices on separate networks. Your main Wi-Fi network remains private for your personal devices and sensitive data, while your smart devices operate on a segregated network. If compromised, hackers only access your smart home system, not your personal files or banking information. To maximize protection, you should also think about physically keeping smart home devices out of areas where private discussions occur. You can listen to what is being recorded on most of your devices to see how far the microphones can pick up sounds. Some devices may only detect sounds from a few feet away, while others can pick up conversations from over 30 feet away. The most secure smart home is one that’s thoughtfully compartmentalized, not just password-protected."
October 24, 2024
iFix CEO Discusses Small Business Technology
Imagine transforming your business operations overnight with just seventeen piece of technology. In this insightful Q&A, discover how an Owner and a Co-founder & CEO leveraged innovative tools to skyrocket their efficiency. Our CEO is quoted for automating workflows for increased productivity: "Automation technologies have allowed us to do 5×-6× the work with the same team size. The solutions with the largest impact have been (1) automated bookkeeping, (2) automatic inventory management tools, and (3) leveraging ChatGPT for virtual assistant tasks. Instead of buying more enterprise tools, we have started to focus on using automation to get more out of what we have to save us both time and money. The question "Can it be automated?" should be asked of every task our small business teams are doing."